Content Overview
The Emerging National Leaders Programme is designed to develop leadership focused on improving student learning outcomes in schools.
Emerging NLP is facilitated by a team of several experienced kaiārahi who are all current or former senior leaders, including Geraldine Travers, Dave Bell and Emma Kingston.
The programme also includes:

Regional PLG Workshops
PLG Term One Auckland (venue TBC)
PLG Term Four Christchurch (venue TBC)
*PLG 2 is optional but recommended

Interpersonal + Educational
Delivered as 4 korero per term on our personalised forum which provides an on-going NELP professional learning community. See more here

Mentoring Sessions and Well-being Support
3 x Virtual mentoring sessions from your dedicated Emerging kaiārahi
Optional well-being webinars with our wellness kaiārahi
Connection, peer support and networking with learning partner

Professional Readings
Reading, "Fish!" can be sourced yourself or issued from the library. Options to discuss the reading.
EMERGING NLP is currently not a Ministry of Education funded project although Growth Culture is a distinguished Ministry of Education Professional Learning and Development provider.
Participants who graduate from the Emerging National Leaders Programme receive Growth Culture accreditation (GC501) and the Emerging National Leaders Programme certification.