Team Leaders Toolbox
The workshop was excellent and promoted great thoughts to consider and reflect on. The giveaways were amazing, and I thoroughly enjoyed the day. Thank you so much. I loved the hand outs, resources, food (coffee), stories, and ‘to the point’ delivery style. Awesome food for thought.
Boys in Literacy
Fresh out of the field (so to speak). You know, relate & make your content really relevant & applicable. It was so engaging the time flew; a great model of how to improve and engage boys. Fun, fast paced and full of ideas that I can actually use. An excellent day! Thank you.
National Aspiring Leaders
The course readings are excellent and thought provoking. I really valued the different
variety of speakers who share their expertise, knowledge and research.
National Aspiring Leaders
He (refering to Kaiarahi) is an effective listener and offers advice where needed. He has coached and mentored me through a recent job application which I was successful in. I look forward to continuing to work with him in the future.
National Aspiring Leaders
The PLG workshops were absolutely fantastic!! Also the Daring Greatly series - in particular
Nigel Latta, Marshall Diggs and Ros Webby.
Team Leaders Toolbox
Excellent value for money. Marshall is lively, engaging and he role models how an effective teacher should be.